PhD and ECR Workshop
Focus and themes
The Bill Faulkner PhD and ECR workshop is held annually and feature targeted parallel sessions which allow PhD scholars and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) at different stages to share experiences and explore key challenges.
The Name ‘Bill Faulkner’
CAUTHE proudly offers the PhD and ECR workshop in memory of Bill Faulkner (1945-‐2002), Professor of Tourism and Director, Centre for Tourism & Hotel Management Research at Griffith University, Australia. Professor Faulkner was generally and deservedly regarded as the ‘father of tourism research’ in Australia, having spent 20 years in the field, first within government and then in academia. He was a visionary whose impact on the field extended well beyond Australia. He was known internationally for his numerous publications in research journals and frequent contribution at various conferences around the world. He was also Deputy CEO and Director of Research of Australia’s Centre of Co-operative Research in Sustainable Tourism. In Australia, he was instrumental in the formation of CAUTHE and the development of its annual conference into one of the foremost international tourism and hospitality research conferences.
Key outcomes
The workshop provides research development activities such as managing a PhD research journey, research methodology, research skills, journal publication and grant application-related skills. Personalised mentoring discussions about career development with internationally renowned academics and informal networking with fellow scholars.
Past workshops
The 2024 workshop was held on Tuesday 6-Feb from 9:00-16:00 at The Hedberg, Hobart, Tasmania. The program included a Treasure Hunt, presentations and panels on networking and career planning within and outside of academia. The workshop concluded with small group mentoring with senior CAUTHE academics. For more see 2024 PhD/ECR workshop.
Download 2024 PhD/ECR workshop program
The 2023 PhD/ECR Workshop was held on Tuesday 7 February 2023 from 9am to 2pm at Murdoch University. For more see 2023 PhD/ECR Workshop.
The 2022 workshop for PhD scholars and ECRs was held online prior to the CAUTHE 2022 on Monday 7 February. For more see CAUTHE 2022 PhD/ECR Workshop.
The 2021 workshop for PhD scholars and ECRs was held online on Friday 5 February. The three hour workshop included a panel session, small group mentoring with senior academics and an engaging virtual social activity. The program included:
- Panel Session “Back to basics: How to get the most out of your PhD”. A panel of early career, mid-career and senior academics discussed the role of five significant components of academic life: research, teaching, and service, in terms of enhancing the PhD/ECR experience. More about the session | View Short bios
- Break-out mentoring workshop with senior academics. Delegates were matched by research areas, stages of research careers and/or similar methodologies in small groups with two senior academics to discuss CVs and aspects of their research.
- Mindfulness e-workshop. In this workshop, presented by Peter from Business is Bliss, participants were given the chance to unwind, have fun, engage and experience mindfulness through gaining a repertoire of techniques. They learned a number of simple take away every day practical techniques to use at work or home and participated in a practical e-mindfulness session. There was an opportunity to interact with colleagues and discuss strategies which enhance their mindfulness.
Download 2021 PhD/ECR workshop flyer
The workshop was held on Monday 10 February 2020 at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) City Campus, New Zealand. Participants were welcomed at the gateway to AUT, Ngā Wai o Horotiu Marae. The program included:
- an interactive session on your PhD / ECR research and teaching elevator pitch.
- concurrent sessions ‘The First Five Years’ | ‘Resilience beyond the PhD journey’ and ‘The Examiner’s Voice’ | ‘Building a teaching portfolio’.
- small group discussions by research approach.
- mentoring provided by senior academics who shared their own experiences and insightful advice into strategic thinking and approaches for developing a successful long-term academic career.
Download PhD/ECR and MCA workshops program
PhD Virtual Wednesday Workshops
‘The PhD in unprecedented times’ Virtual Wednesday Workshops held in 2020 aimed to support current PhD students in their study progress during this challenging time. The workshops provided an opportunity to present research on an online interactive platform and receive constructive feedback from senior academics and your fellow students.
Go to PhD Virtual Wednesday Workshops
The workshop, held on Monday 11 February, at the Pullman International Cairns, included:
- developing a teaching narrative, surviving your PhD and thereafter, research methodologies
- research & engagement, demonstrating impact and a research speed dating activity
- Meet the Editors’ Panel session and targeted mentoring sessions with senior academics.
Download 2019 PhD/ECR workshop program
The workshop at CAUTHE 2018 was held on Monday 5 February at the University of Newcastle. Topics included:
- Preparing for the Job Market | Pathways from PhD: Transferring Academic Knowledge to Industry Careers | No-Supervisors-Allowed Secret Session: Dialogues with recent PhD Graduates | Getting Published: Meet the Editors Session
- Organisational Citizenry in the Academy | Research with Impact
Download 2018 PhD/ECR and MCA workshop program
The workshop Creating a personal identity – be seen and be heard focussed on creating a personal research identity, capturing impact and the contribution of these issues to grants and funding. Keynote presentations, facilitators and panel discussions included:
- Creating personal identity and personal on-line branding: Professor Marianna Sigala
- Professor Graham Miller, University of Surrey, UK, professor of sustainability in business and co-editor of Journal of Sustainable Tourism
- Measuring impact and online visibility: Dr Pierre Benckendorff
- Academic Development and Strategies: Professor Kathryn Sutherland
Download 2017 PhD/ECR workshop program
The workshop was held at the Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School, Sydney campus on Monday 8 February 2016 with the theme of Breaking through the Barriers’. The program included:
- a combined session identifying the major barriers and offering solutions for PhD students and Early Career Researchers.
- small group mentoring and discussions with Senior Academics
- a panel discussion on the changing landscape, making the right choices and breaking the barriers. Attendees joined conference delegates for networking drinks and a light dinner. 2016 PhD/ECR workshop flyer
Download 2016 PhD/ECR workshop program
Download 2016 PhD/ECR workshop program
The workshop explored the important role of networking, collaboration and mentoring that can be applied to academic life including PhD supervision, publications, research projects, and grant applications. Particular emphasis was on developing social intelligence and cross-cultural collaboration as well as effective negotiation and mentoring strategies.
- Dr Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt, an accredited coach and founder of Mind Your Way, delivered an interactive and practical workshop on Small Talk and Big Gestures: Communication for Impact and Success. Participants discussed the foundational questions of ‘why’ and ‘how’ they can network and collaborate in various and complex contexts of their academic career development.
The workshop explored different research paradigms and methodologies as well as gain some practical tips and advice from senior academics. 42 PhD scholars and ECRs and 18 senior Australian and international academic volunteers attended. Highlighted sessions included:
- Professor Doug Pearce’s keynote presentation on Frameworks for Tourism Research.
- An interactive and stimulating panel session on methodologies and paradigms included qualitative, mixed methods and the indigenous ‘Kaupapa Maori’ research paradigm.
The workshop included plenary session on get tips on publishing your research, small group discussion on dealing with a PhD journey and engaging and useful panel session on grant getting and research project leadership.
Feedback from the past delegates
Previous attendees’ selected feedback comments include:
- “The activity based exercises were fun and interesting. The metaphors were very suited to the topic and it was good to work with other students.”
- “The fact that it is very different than other usual workshops. Much more engaging.”
- “The small group discussions were really useful. The workshop activity was insightful and provided the opportunity to get to know the other students, their topics, their progress and their challenges.”
- “I enjoyed the Small group Mentoring session, as it is like a sincere and friendly conversation between experienced academic people and us”.
- “I was really impressed with the line-‐up of experienced academics who attended the workshop to give us the benefit of their research and supervisory expertise.”
- “Collegiate environment with fellow students was encouraging”.
- “… made some new PhD friends to hang out with at the conference…and with whom I will definitely keep in touch.”