
CAUTHE is the leading academic tourism, hospitality and events association in Australasia, representing many providers, universities and organisations. We have a responsibility to ensure our position on diversity and inclusion ensures the human rights of all. Not only is such a commitment the right thing to do but the reputation of our organisation depends on it.

We want CAUTHE to be an organisation that attracts membership and of which our members continue to be proud.

CAUTHE represents a broad group of members who differ by culture, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability status and their intersections. We want these groups to be equally visible and their perspectives actively sought and heard.

While it may not always be possible to ensure balance amongst the different groups of members, CAUTHE commits to doing all that we can to achieve this. As Elizabeth Broderick (Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission) said of gender imbalance, ‘One of the things I’ve learnt is that if you don’t intentionally include, the system unintentionally excludes’. The same can be said for all forms of diversity. Giving voice to those who may previously have been invisible, may, in some cases, mean rearrangement of the ways that business is usually done.

The CAUTHE Executive commits to and supports the Pledge, and calls on its members to do likewise, to work towards these goals and be vigilant, to ‘call out’ instances of sexism, ageism, racism, ableism, etc, encountered.

Take the CAUTHE Pledge!

For all CAUTHE events, activities and initiatives, I commit to:

  • Advocating for and including the voices of diverse groups, recognising that difference makes CAUTHE stronger.
  • Offering the names of suitable colleagues from within CAUTHE, or my own networks, to ensure diversity in events, forums and conferences.
  • Building trust in an environment free of derogatory comments and discrimination.
  • Advocating for the principles of the CAUTHE Be Kind Campaign, recognising the power of kindness and constructive feedback.
  • Encouraging my fellow members and colleagues to participate in the CAUTHE Pledge.

Click here to take the CAUTHE Pledge.