Special Interest Groups
CAUTHE assists members develop and coordinate Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to provide interaction between members, other associations and affiliates in Australia, New Zealand and beyond. Each SIG has its own coordinator/s and involve a range of members, including domestic and international academic and student members.
CAUTHE supports the SIGs with communications, annual conference integration, projects, links with other organisations, and may provide financial assistance to help SIGs host meetings or symposia outside of the annual conference. The CAUTHE Executive assesses the viability of any SIG in the event that there is no activity in a two year period. Proposed SIGs can be research or teaching related groups.
- Download SIG guidelines and application form
- Download Symposia guidelines and application form
A CAUTHE SIG coordinator represents the SIGs on the Executive committee. SIG coordinators must be current CAUTHE members and may only be involved in coordinating one SIG at a time. It is expected that all members of a SIG will be CAUTHE members. Please contact the SIG co-ordinator below if you would like more information about the SIG application process.
Dr Wendy Hillman
Institute for Health and Social Science Research
Central Queensland University