Teaching and Learning: CAUTHE 2019 SIG meeting

The 2019 CAUTHE Teaching and Learning Special Interest Group member’s workshop will be held from 5pm to 6pm on Wednesday 13 February 2019 in the Ballroom at the Pullman Hotel. New members are always welcome. Further information about the SIG is available at the Teaching and Learning SIG page.


  1. Review of T&L SIG achievements this past year. Members are invited to introduce themselves and share any of their T&L achievements this year: any publications, awards, promotions, PhD completions, and so on.
  2. Short presentation (5 mins) filling you in on ‘Hot Topics in Teaching and Learning’ from the recent Australian Business Dean’s Council Learning and Teaching Network.
  3. Break into special interest sub groups (S21G) team workshop meetings (interest areas are listed below). The aim of this meeting is to:
    1. Re-kindle contacts and strengthen networks
    2. Discuss common themes in current and future T&L activities and research
    3. Gather co-authors for unfinished ‘in-the-drawer’ projects
    4. Plan milestones and outcomes to enhance your (mutual) scholarship of teaching and learning

The S2IG interest groups areas are:

  • Technology enhanced learning
  • Standards / AOL / QA / Threshold Learning Outcomes
  • International and transnational education / student mobility:
  • Non-traditional pedagogies / WIL
  • Flipped classroom experiences
  • Program-led course enhancements

Afterwards: All members and friends are invited to a casual dinner meeting, to continue conversations and company, at the Ochre Lights Restaurant, 6 / 1 Marlin Parade, Cairns. View menu. Seating reserved from 6.30 pm. Dinner at own expense.

Download scholarship of teaching and learning support materials.

Mieke Witsel (SIG coordinator)