Meet the Editors Panel Discussion
December 2, 2020
Do you have a question that you always wanted to ask a Chief Editor of a journal but were too afraid to ask?
Please join us on Wednesday 10 February 2021, 16:00 – 17:00 (AEDT), CAUTHE 2021 Conference Online, where Edmund Goh and Lizette Olivier will chair the Meet the Editors Session.
We invite you to send your questions through SurveyMonkey for the panel members PRIOR to the event. The chairs of the discussion panel (Edmund and Lizette) will collate the questions and seek answers from the Editors to moderate the discussion.
Chief Editors in the discussion panel:
- Professor Sara Dolnicar, Annals of Tourism Research
- Professor Fevzi Okumus, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
- Associate Professor Judith Mair, International Journal of Event and Festival Management
- Professor Wang Youcheng, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management
- Professor Marianna Sigala, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management
- Professor Cihan Cobanoglou, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology
- Professor Zheng Xiang, Journal of Information Technology and Tourism
- Professor Perry Hobson, Journal of Vacation Marketing
- Associate Professor Gabby Walters, Journal of Vacation Marketing
- Professor Cathy Hsu, Tourism Management
- Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Tourism Review
Meet the Editors Panel: About the editors
For more information on CAUTHE 2021 and registration, please visit the conference website.
We look forward to seeing you at the CAUTHE 2021 Conference Online.