2021 JHTM Best PhD Paper award winners

Current doctoral researchers or recent graduates were invited to submit manuscripts to JHTM based on research undertaken during their doctoral study. Award winning papers received a cash prize, certificate and opportunities of public recognition at the CAUTHE 2022 Conference online and promotion.

In 2021, the JHTM received 14 paper submissions for this award. Given this highly competitive context, the JHTM 2021 Best PhD papers awards represent a great achievement for the winners. The JHTM wishes to thank all the authors submitting and nominating their work to the JHTM Best PhD Awards.

The winning papers are available for free download until 18 April 2022 at the links below.

**The 2022 call for papers, award guidelines and prizes are now available at 2022 JHTM Best PhD Paper Awards.**

Highly recommended PhD paper

Dr Montira Intason, University of Otago, New Zealand for her paper Examining the interplay between a hallmark cultural event, tourism, and commercial activities. A case study of the Songkran Festival.




Best PhD Paper Award

Mr Ding Xu, James Cook University, Australia for his paper Differentiating Tourist Scam Cases: Towards a Taxonomy of Deceptive Schemes.