Call for Participation: JHTM 2022 Paper Hackathon
April 27, 2022
JHTM 2022 Paper Hackathon
CAUTHE’s Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (JHTM) invites submissions for the 2022 JHTM Paper Hackathon to take place during the EuroCHRIE 2022 at the Wittenborg University of Applied Sciences in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, 24 – 27 October 2022.
The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (JHTM) is CAUTHE’s official journal. JHTM is recognised as one of the top ranked journals in its field. Currently JHTM has an SSCI impact factor of 5.959 (SSCI Journal Impact Factor rankings).
JHTM is a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary journal that publishes research making clear and significant theoretical and practical contributions in the fields of travel, tourism, hospitality, leisure, recreation and/or event management. The journal welcomes theoretical and methodological pluralism, as well as it equally values both conceptual and empirical research studies.
The continuous growth and advancement of JHTM relies greatly on the support and engagement of the research community, and so, is committed to create opportunities of knowledge sharing to give back to the whole community. The annual JHTM paper hackathon was launched in 2018 with the aim of providing researchers with professional development and networking opportunities. After conducting the JHTM Paper Hackathon online due to COVID-19, this year it will be conducted in person.
Purpose and format
The goal of the Hackathon is to support tourism researchers to form partnerships with the aim of developing and pitching for a paper publication in JHTM. The format is an intense two-day paper hackathon where teams of researchers will be formed and work towards the development of a study/paper proposal (paper-a-thon), which they will then present to an evaluation panel. During the hackathon, teams will work under the mentorship of prominent tourism scholars and they will receive constructive and valuable feedback for their research proposals. Teams with highly evaluated papers-a-thon will be invited to submit their completed manuscripts for a fast-tracked review process and a possible publication at the JHTM (within 2023).
The Hackathon intends to foster new collaborations through an innovative hackathon format. To participate in the paper hackathon, researchers should be willing to share with other researchers’ resources (e.g. data sets, writing skills, time, knowledge etc.) that can help the team to develop a study/paper. The paper hackathon organisers will consolidate hackathon applications and assist participants to self-organise in teams. Teams mixing researchers with various levels of experience (early, mid and late careers) and resources will be sought. Participating teams will have two weeks to initiate a new collaboration and develop a paper-a-thon under the guidance of an experienced mentor.
The idea is to work out the basics of a research paper, which will be presented to an evaluation panel consisting of senior JHTM Editorial Team members. Teams will pitch their paper-a-thon proposal to the evaluation panel, and they will receive constructive feedback on how to progress and advance their research. Teams with highly ranked papers-a-thon will have the opportunity to submit their completed paper for a fast-tracked review process and a possible publication in the JHTM. The Paper Hackathon pitch event will take place on the 27 October 2022. The pitch event is a great opportunity to promote your research skills and ideas to the international tourism community, but also to benefit from peer feedback.
In addition, the JHTM Paper Hackathon is a great opportunity to:
- enhance your research and publication skills and capabilities through peer-learning and mentorship
- foster new and/or enrich existing collaborations by networking and collaborate with other researchers
- achieve a paper publication by sharing work with others
- promote your skills and knowledge to the tourism community
- develop and enhance your self-confidence and skills in working with others and debating your research work to a panel of experts
- meet journal editors and other editorial board members and learn more about the evaluation and review process of manuscripts
3 Steps to participate
Step 1 – “Share, Brainstorm & Collaborate” – Bring your data, theory, phenomenon, or good writing skills. Meet others who can complement what you have. Join resources with other participants and collaborate in teams to brainstorm and develop a new paper idea. Applicants will submit a short bio and research profile/idea. Paper hackathon organizers will use this information to rank and select applicants to participate in the 2022 JHTM Paper hackathon. A ‘speed dating’ session will be scheduled on the 25 October 2022, to enable hackathon participants to meet, develop their teams and start working immediately.
Step 2 – “Work & Write” – Work and write fast. You will have almost 2 days (25 – 27 October 2022, during the EuroCHRIE conference) to elaborate on your study/paper idea and develop a 10-minute power point presentation. Presentations of papers-a-thon should provide an extended outline of the proposed study including research aims; proposed methodology; contribution to the field; expected findings; practical and theoretical contributions. Teams will get help from mentors. Mentors may decide or not to be involved as co-authors, if everyone agrees.
Step 3 – “Pitch & Win” – on 27 October 2022, teams will have 10 minutes (very strict!) to present their paper-a-thon in front of the evaluation panel and other scholars attending the pitch Paper Hackathon event. Teams with highly evaluated papers-a-thon will be invited to submit their completed manuscript for a fast-tracked review process and a possible publication at the JHTM (within 2023). There will also be two JHTM Paper Hackathon awards: a ‘judges’ best paper-a-thon award; and a ‘people’s voice’ best paper-a-thon award.
Proposal submission
To participate in the 2022 JHTM Paper Hackathon submit a 1-2 pages proposal describing what you can bring to the hackathon, for example: data sets, access to key informants, methodological specialty, and knowledge, theoretical or domain expertise, innovative perspectives, domain expertise, writing/editing skills story telling skills, data analytics skills etc.
Each proposal should come from an individual describing that individual’s unique skills and contributions. Research teams are also welcomed to apply; teams should submit a single application that will include the names and profiles of each team member. Individuals/teams who bring data sets need to clarify their rights to the data sets and certify that they have the rights to use the data for a new research paper.
Note that the paper-a-thon is NOT a paper development workshop where you can work on papers that you already have. It is about creating something new, with new collaborators, and new ideas. Please do NOT submit completed papers.
Participants of the 2022 JHTM Paper Hackathon are expected to attend the 2022 EuroCHRIE conference, so that they can participate in the proceedings of the paper hackathon as described in the program below.
To register your participation, please submit your application (1 – 2 pages) including the above-mentioned information to Professor Marianna Sigala by 30 September 2022.
25 October 2022
10:00 – 10:15 |
25 October 2022
14:00 – 15:00 |
25, 26 & 27
October 2022 |
27 October 2022
14:00 -16:00 |
If you have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact:
Prof Marianna Sigala
Editor-In-Chief of JHTM
Chair of the 2022 JHTM Paper Hackathon