Teaching & Learning

Focus and Themes

The SIG aims to provide a forum for CAUTHE members to discuss and engage in professional development activities related to tourism, hospitality and events education in the rapidly changing higher education environment. Current interests and themes include:

  • Curriculum development including design and delivery, assessment, student experience
  • Student learning including influences, practices, pathways and spaces
  • The impacts and implications of higher education policy
  • Globalisation and internationalisation in higher education
  • Professional learning, work experience and industry engagement
  • The balance between liberal/social science education and vocational education
  • Tourism, hospitality and events education futures

NEW!! SIG Snapshot video Dr Niki Macionis

Key Outcomes for Members

The SIG allows colleagues with a passion for teaching and learning to share and test ideas, have an outlet for their research, learn from the experiences of their peers and be a stakeholder in the advancement of best practice in tourism, hospitality and events education in Australia. The SIG seeks to organise symposia, workshops and other professional development opportunities, independently or in collaboration with other kindred organisations, to extend and explore the teaching and learning interests of CAUTHE members.

2025 Conference meeting

Wednesday 12 February 16:00 – 17:30 (AEST)

  • Hosted by Dr Anastasia (Yeark) Fomina, Dr Niki Macionis & Dr Aaron Tham, Co-chairs, Teaching and Learning SIG.
  • Chris Wong, KBS Hospitality/Tourism Facilitator, will provide an update on the scenario generator we showcased at the last CAUTHE conference in Tasmania. This update will feature destination videos created using GenAI. The session is planned for 20 mins, followed by a Q&A segment.
  • Elizabeth Dominguez, KBS Integrity Officer and Hospitality/Tourism Facilitator, will follow up on our mid-year presentation on inclusive pedagogy. She will focus on how non-inclusive teaching practices, such as poorly designed curricula and assessments , can unintentionally alienate students, leading to disengagement and increasing the risk of academic misconduct. This presentation will provide practical insights into the “critical points of no return,” where students often veer off course and explore how inclusive pedagogical strategies can address these challenges. The session will run for 20 mins, followed by an interactive Q&A segment.
  • After the presentations any remaining time will be dedicated to a collaborative discussion on teaching challenges and possible solutions that may have emerged in the post-pandemic classroom. The evening will conclude with a social dinner gathering.

Download flyer

Past Activities


  • Friday 2 August 1:30-2:30pm (AEST) Inclusive Teaching Practices

    This professional development session focused on inclusive teaching practices for higher education educators committed to creating fair and supportive learning environments through their teaching methods. It covered practical strategies such as providing multiple ways for students to engage, presenting information in various formats, and offering diverse ways to demonstrate their understanding.

    VIEW Video recording | DOWNLOAD Inclusive Teaching Practices Presentation by Bozena Rupnik, MCCT Manager of Academic Success Centre, Kaplan Business School

  •  Meeting at CAUTHE 2024 Conference, Hobart at 16:00- 17:30 on Thursday 8 February 2024. Anastasia Yeark will present Using GenAI in Assessment Design: Scenario Generator. A guide on how teachers can utilise GenAI to create an authentic assessment that incorporates decision tree logic. This showcase will build on the recent TEQSA’s guidance on assessment reform in the higher education sector.


  • T&L SIG Mid-year panel discussion on Tourism, Hospitality and Events (THE) Education Futures. Thursday 27 July from 16:00 to 17:00 (AEST), online with the following speakers:
    • Prof Johan Edelheim, Hokkaido University, Japan
    • Dr Marcela Fang, William Angliss Institute, Melbourne.
    • Ms Elise Lawrence, International Centre of Excellence in Tourism and Hospitality Education (THE-ICE)
    • Download flyer for agenda and log in details.
  • Summer school course in Japan.Teaching Tourism: Values-based Transformative Learning Experiences by Johan Edelheim, Professor of Tourism & Media, Hokkaido University, Sapporo. 19-26 August 2023.  Please see the QR code to register and send any inquiries to Johan.
  • T&L SIG conference meeting, Redirecting and re-focusing teaching in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Education at the CAUTHE 2023 conference, Rydges Fremantle on 6 February, 5.00-6.00pm, followed by dinner at the Norfolk Hotel from 6pm.  Download flyer.


  • Teaching & Learning Online Seminar on Wednesday 28 September at 11.00-12.00 (AEST). What does teaching and learning look like in the wider Asia Pacific context? Three experienced academics will share their insights regarding curriculum, context, and complexities (following COVID-19), and what it means for teaching and learning across tourism, hospitality, and events education in other parts of Australasia. VIEW RECORDING P: E^w*vR2E
  • The Mid-year meeting was held online on Thursday 28 July 2022 with the theme Teaching and Learning Strategising. Participants discussed the way forward with three new co-chairs and three new portfolios. Download Meeting notes
  • Call for contributions to Tourism Cases: Special Issue
  • The 2022 Annual T&L SIG meeting was held online on Friday 11 February. The theme of the meeting focussed on translating practice into publication. SIG Co-chair, Niki Macionis, extended gratitude and thanks to Mieke Wistel (SCU) and Tamara Young (UoN) as they stepped down from their leadership of the SIG over many years. Discussion about future activities for the SIG during 2022 and 2023 resulted in the identification of three themed areas to be lead by the new SIG Co-chairs:
    • Sandra Cherro Osorio (Melbourne Polytechnic) – Talking about Teaching
    • Anastasia Yeark (Kaplan Business School) – Cross-institutional ‘Practical Pointers’
    • Aaron Tham (USC) – SoTL support and collaborative mentoring Download full meeting report.


  • Panel discussion at the CAUTHE 2020 Conference on Tourism education under attack! followed by dinner at The Paddock Elliott Stables.The New Zealand government and industry are investing in skills development and career pathways to raise the productivity and employment impacts of tourism. But the role of education in these initiatives is unclear, and there have been attacks on the relevance and quality of tourism education at secondary and tertiary levels. A discussion about the future of tourism education drawing on experiences in New Zealand of establishing the Tourism Educators Forum Aotearoa (TEFA) brought together educators from secondary schools, universities, polytechnics, secondary schools and private training providers and is a platform for, and a reference point between training and education educators and the New Zealand tourism industry and its representative bodies. The panel included founding TEFA members, inaugural Chair Karen Smith (Victoria University of Wellington), University sector representatives Megan Roberts (AUT) and Anthony Brien (Lincoln University) and Julie McDougall, HOD Travel and Tourism at Macleans College Auckland and Chair of the Tourism Teachers Association – New Zealand.
  • The SIG reviewed the Field of Research Codes – Tourism (1506) and Commercial services (1504) with an aim to put together a submission in time for the ANZSRC Review Consultation.


  • The SIG’s Staff Adoption of Flipped Class Approach Project led by Glen Croy has initiated multi-university ethics approval and moved forward with a meeting held on 9 May 2019. Key topics discussed in the meeting were data collection, target journal and literature review.
  • A Scholarship of teaching and learning workshop was held during the 2019 Conference and followed by a dinner. The meeting was attended by 17 members from 12 universities.


  • Key outputs included a poster and a presentation at the Queensland University Educators Showcase:
    • Croy G, Witsel M, Benckendorff P, Kralj A, Wardle K, & Link C 2018 ‘Adopting education innovations: Lessons from flipped classrooms’ QUES 27-28 September 2018 (poster)
    • Witsel M, Croy G Benckendorff P, Kralj A, Wardle K, & Link C 2018 2018 ‘Educators’ reflections on education innovations: experiences of flipping classrooms’ QUES 27-28 September 2018 (presentation)Continued work on the publication of the special issue on Critical Perspectives in Education for JoHLSTE, with special editors Tamara Young, Mieke Witsel and Andrea Boyle.
  • Continued work on the publication of the special issue on Critical Perspectives in Education for JoHLSTE, with special editors Tamara Young, Mieke Witsel and Andrea Boyle.
  • Upcoming mid-year webinar on teaching and learning research using web based social media, with guest speaker Professor Bill Boyd, Professor of Geography with scholarly interests in long-term environmental change, human-landscape interactions, environmental and cultural heritage management, and higher education.


  • Workshop at CAUTHE 2017 conference: Encouraging (transnational) collaboration to increase publication outputs for CAUTHE members interested in and engaged in the scholarship of learning can benefit from avenues and encouragement to better promote and distribute their scholarly interests and work. We  particularly invite our Asian/Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) colleagues to attend as there will be special emphasis on developing transnational dyads and triads between Australian / NZ academics and Asian academics to improve scholarly outputs.
  • Teaching and Learning Facebook group has been created for CAUTHE members interested in and engaged in the scholarship of teaching and learning, to enable networking, and to better promote and distribute their scholarly interests and work. Anyone wishing to join please apply through Facebook or email Mieke Witsel.


  • Coordinated a 2016 Special Edition on Critical Perspectives in Education for JoHLSTE with guest editors Tamara Young, Mieke Witsel and Andrea Boyle.  It is still a work in progress, awaiting completion of one review and finalisation of a few remaining papers.
  • The SIG co-chairs Mieke Witsel, Diane Lee and Nisha Abm (Barkathunnisha Abu Bakar) met in Singapore in October to discuss the promotion of teaching and learning, and strategies for the SIG to increase networking and collaboration opportunities.
  • Pierre Benckendorff stepped down as the co-chair and main coordinator of the SIG in June and handed over the role to Mieke Witsel at SCU. Thank you Pierre for your great work to maintain the SIG since 2012.


  • A number of SIG members have contributed chapters to the Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism being published by Edward Elgar. The guest editors accepted eight abstracts and submission of full papers was 30 November 2015.
  • The SIG supported the work of a two year project in Australia to develop a set of national learning and teaching academic standards for tourism, hospitality and events. This exercise is similar to the benchmark statements that were developed in the UK.
  • Assoc Prof Elisa Backer and Pierre conducted on research into the perceived value of Australian business Honours degrees. CAUTHE members were invited to participate in the online survey.
  • The SIG hosted a paper stream and workshops at the CAUTHE 2015 conference as part of the OLT Setting the Standard in Tourism, Hospitality and Events Higher Education and OLT Enhancing student learning outcomes with simulation-based pedagogies projects.
  • SIG member Tamara Young was recently awarded a national OLT citation for outstanding contributions to student learning.
  • The SIG had a great turnout at the CAUTHE 2015 conference where discussions included:
    • Social Media: please join our group conversations on LinkedIn or our newly created Facebook page (choose your poison!)
    • Hot off the press: The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Hospitality Education has been co-edited by some of our SIG members (Dianne Dredge and Michael Gross) and is a significant new addition to the literature on tourism, hospitality and events education. Well worth a read.
    • Non-university members: the SIG is an inclusive group and welcomes newcomers from both university and non-university institutions.


  • Due to growing interest from members in Singapore and New Zealand the SIG formed a new structure, with a team of chairs working together on various global and local activities:
    • Australian Co-chairs: Pierre Benckendorff (East Coast); Diane Lee (West Coast)
    • Singapore Chair: Nisha Abm
    • New Zealand Chair: Christian Schott
  • Webinar titled Technology Enhanced Learning in Tourism and Hospitality was held on 23 July 2014.


  • Scholarship: contributions to the Handbook of Tourism and Hospitality Education being published by Routledge in 2014.
  • Members have been successful obtaining two national grants from the Office for Teaching and Learning (OLT) for the following projects:
    • Setting the standard: establishing threshold learning outcomes for tourism, hospitality and events higher education in Australia
    • Enhancing student learning outcomes with simulation-based pedagogies
  • Networking: members have been actively involved in networking and assisting other kindred organisations and networks including the Tourism Education Futures Imitative (TEFI), the BEST Education Network and THE-ICE.
  • The SIG would also like to congratulate the following individuals for receiving national OLT citations for outstanding contributions to student learning in the tourism, hospitality and event areas:
    • Steve Brown (Flinders University) for the creation and development of the suite of undergraduate and postgraduate festival and event programs in tourism leading to industry-ready graduates
    • Elisa Backer (Federation University) for development of creative, innovative curricula that demonstrate leadership; and as well as providing excellent learning outcomes for students, have gained support from industry




  • Teaching and Learning SIG Forum. Theme: Fostering Collaborative and Innovative Industry? Academe Educational Alliances on 8 October at Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia, organized by Lisa Ruhanen, Elizabeth Roberts and Noel Scott.


  • Meeting at CAUTHE 2009 to discuss and confirm the focus and key outcomes of the SIG.
  • Special Journal issue of the Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management about the Student Experience, edited by Lisa Ruhanen, Elizabeth Roberts and Noel Scott, containing the following papers:
    • Deconstructing the Student Experience: A Conceptual Framework by Pierre Benckendorff, Lisa Ruhanen and Noel Scott
    • All Wired Up But Not Plugged in: An Evaluation of Tourism and Leisure Marketing Students’ Expectations and Experiences of Lecture Podcasting, by Dale Sanders and Megan LeClus
    • Evaluating Wikis as an Assessment Tool for Developing Collaboration and Knowledge Management Skills, by Pierre Benckendorff
    • With The Simpsons as Tour Guides: How Popular Culture Sources can Enhance the Student Experience in a University Tourism Unit by Johan R. Edelheim
    • Two Perspectives on Event Management Employment: Student and Employer Insights Into the Skills Required to Get the Job Done! by Olga Junek, Leonie Lockstone and Judith Mair
    • Mind the Gap: Aligning Learning and Graduate Outcomes Through Industry Partnerships by Elizabeth Roberts
    • Tourism and Hospitality Research Student Experiences: How to Achieve Quality, Inclusivity and Belongingness by Gayle Jennings, Ulrike Kachel, Sandra Kensbock and Mary-Anne Smith

SIG Co-ordinators

  • Dr Sandra Guisela Cherro Osorio

    School of Business, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    Melbourne Polytechnic

  • Ms Anastasia Yeark

    Kaplan Business School

  • Dr Aaron Tham

    Tourism, Leisure & Event Management

    University of the Sunshine Coast

  • Dr Niki Macionis

    UQ Business School

    The University of Queensland