CAUTHE 2014 Executive nominations
December 6, 2013
CAUTHE invites nominations for the office-bearers for the CAUTHE Executive Committee for 2014 as follows:
- the Chairperson;
- the first Vice-Chairperson;
- the second Vice-Chairperson;
- the Treasurer; and
- the Secretary.
In addition there is a vacancy for the position of Special Interest Group coordinator.
All positions will be declared vacant at the meeting of the Chapter Directors following the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 12 February at the CAUTHE 2014 conference.
Candidates for election as an office-bearer must be nominated by a Director and must be an Associate member.
The Chapter Directors will elect the office-bearers of the Council at their meeting following the AGM.
Please forward your nominations to your Chapter Director (see list) or email your nomination to the CAUTHE secretariat by 28 January 2014.