Call for case studies: COVID-19 and other crises
May 8, 2020
We are pleased to announce an extension of our call for case studies for the CAUTHE case study book to be published by Springer early 2021.
So far, more than 30 case studies by various international scholars have been received.
However, we recognise that many of you have been working on, and are still collecting data on, various cases related to bushfires, COVID-19 and many other crises that our tourism, hospitality, events and sports sectors have unfortunately experienced during the last year.
Further, we would like to make our Springer book contemporary and topical by including case studies related to such crises.
Hence, we have decided to open up the Call for cases studies and invite submissions of cases related to such crises.
The submission deadline is 30 June 2020.
The review of these case studies will be fast-tracked so that the accepted cases can be included in the book that will be published early 2021.
For information about the submission guidelines and the online submission platform please visit the Call for Case Studies book project
Thank you in advance and looking forward to receiving your case studies.
Marianna Sigala
Chair CAUTHE case study project