Case Studies Springer book project

Case based research in tourism, travel, hospitality and events: Theory and practice

We are thrilled to have received around 30 case studies for the CAUTHE case study project, we are expecting more submissions by the end of the month.

We will be starting the review process of case studies soon, and so, if you are interested to review a case study please e-mail asap Prof Marianna Sigala. In your e-mail include your disciplinary focus and/or other area of expertise, so that we can allocate case studies to the best of your profile.

We expect the review process to be finished by end of July 2020 (we will have no more than two rounds of anonymous reviews and the case study team will take the final decision and feedback for case studies).

This is an exciting project for CAUTHE that will make a significant contribution to the tourism, hospitality and events education.

Reviewing case studies is the best way to learn how to write case studies for educational purposes (instructions and guidelines of reviewing will be sent to all reviewers). This is a great opportunity to get engaged with the CAUTHE case study project, and even if you have not contributed a case study this time, you will learn how to do so for the next year.

Thank you in advance

Prof Marianna Sigala
Chair of CAUTHE case study project

See update Call for case studies: COVID-19 and other crises


We invite Case Studies and associated Teaching Notes to be published in a book.

Book publisher: Springer

Book title: Case based research in tourism, travel, hospitality and events: Theory and practice

This is a new CAUTHE initiative designed to support scholars’ learning and teaching, led by Professor Marianna Sigala.

The book is looking for case studies (along with their teaching notes) that investigate topical and contemporary industry challenges and practices, and that can advance tourism research as well as be used for teaching purposes and enable educators to enhance their instructional practices. Case studies need to focus on the tourism, travel, hospitality and events sectors. Case studies can refer to any subject area and/or disciplinary field (e.g. marketing, Human resources, operations, technology, and finance).

Prizes and awards

There are awards for the best submissions (all submissions will go through a peer-review process):

  • Best case study: free registration at the CAUTHE 2021 Conference Online (winner will present the case study at the conference), extra book copy, certificate and recognition/promotion
  • Highly commended case study: free CAUTHE membership for a year, extra book copy, certificate and recognition/promotion

Key Dates

  • Submission deadline – case studies and teaching notes: *Submissions closed 
  • Notification to authors: from 31 March 2020
  • Finalisation of review process and acceptance decisions: 30 June 2020
  • Book publication: late 2020

If you have any questions, please contact: Prof Marianna Sigala