JHTM 2019 Best Paper & Reviewer Awards
February 25, 2020
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The editorial team of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management are pleased to announce the winner and highly commended selections of the journal’s Best Paper Awards, in addition to the Top Reviewer Awards for 2019.
Best Paper Awards
The three award-winning papers have already made a significant impact on the field of tourism and hospitality research. The editorial team of the JHTM has selected these papers based on: a quantitative analysis (including usage statistics and Scopus citation counts of the published papers), and a qualitative assessment of the papers’ contribution to the research field.
The winning article for the 2019 Best Paper Award is:
Friend or Foe? The complex relationship between indigenous people and policymakers regarding rural tourism in Indonesia | Ringkar Situmorang, Teddy Trilaksono, Arnold Japutra | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1447677018300792
The following two papers have been selected for the 2019 Highly Commended Award:
Advertising guilt-laden vacations: The cross-cultural efficacy of a guilt decreasing appeal | Isabella Soscia, Girish Prayag, Ozlem Hesapci | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1447677018301311
Pilgrimage: What drives pilgrim experiential supportive intentions? | Hung-Che Wu, Ya-Yuan Chang, Tsung-Pao Wu | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1447677018302390
Top Reviewer Award
The editorial team of JHTM is grateful to all individuals who have reviewed for the journal in 2019.
From those individuals, they have selected the winner of the JHTM 2019 Top Reviewer Award. This decision has been based both on the number and speed of the reviews, as well as the quality of the reviews provided by this individual.
The recipient of the 2019 Best Reviewer Award is:
Aaron Hsiao, Griffith University, Australia
Congratulations to all the award-winning authors and reviewers! The 2019 JHTM Awards were formally presented at the gala of the 2020 CAUTHE conference in Auckland, New Zealand.
FOR MORE SEE JHTM 2019 Best Papers & Reviewers Awards