Critical Approaches in Tourism and Hospitality 2016 SIG Meeting

CAUTHE Conference 2016 – Wednesday 10 February 12.15 -2.00pm

“A Critical Lens on Hospitality and Tourism WORK”

Panel Discussion: Professor Tom Baum (University of Strathclyde), Professor Marg Deery (University of Surrey), and Dr Richard Robinson (University of Queensland)

We hope you can join us to explore and discuss critical approaches in tourism and hospitality. This year we are focussing on hospitality and tourism work – issues relating to social justice, equitable relationships in workplaces and emancipation through work. These issues might relate to gender, culture/ethnicity, age, sexuality etc. in hospitality and tourism work.  The panel members will present for around 10 minutes each followed by Discussion. This year’s topic fits with the theme of a forthcoming Special Issue of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (Editors: Candice Harris, Jennie Small, Erica Wilson). (For further information about submissions to the Special Issue, please see the editors.)


The aims of the Critical Approaches in Tourism and Hospitality SIG are to:

  1. promote and discuss the role of tourism and hospitality research/education through critical and alternative voices, texts and methodologies;
  2. explore the personal, the political and the situated nature of research and teaching in tourism and hospitality;
  3. provide a forum for research collaboration and the mentoring of emerging tourism and hospitality researchers;
  4. promote and legitimise spaces for interpretative and critical modes of inquiry, with particular emphasis on multi/post-disciplinary research on the following;
  • Embodiment, performance and identities
  • Gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, class and disability
  • Social justice and social inequality
  • Mobilities and globalization
  • Empowerment, community and entrepreneurship
  • Materiality, lifestyle and cultural practices
  • Representation, language and culture
  • Positionality, perspectivity and reflexivity
  • Emotional dynamics of research
  • Cultural politics of publishing and academic renewal
  • Critical methodologies and paradigms

We hope you can join us in this discussion.

Jennie Small , Erica Wilson, Candice Harris (SIG Coordinators)