We value your contribution in developing work ready graduates: Survey extension

CAUTHE recently forwarded an invitation on behalf of Le Cordon Bleu to participate in a national research project examining the extent to which Higher Education providers in Australia develop the capabilities required by the Tourism and Hospitality Industry. The findings of this survey will be used to provide educators in both vocational and higher education sectors with important information for course development. This will assist in creating graduates who are able to add value to the tourism and hospitality industry.

The survey was due to close on the 12th March and we have now extended the deadline until the 23rd March. We hope that you are able to complete the survey within the timeframe. The survey link is shown below and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. 


If you would like any further information relating to the project please do not hesitate to get in touch on 0430924309 or [email protected].

Thank you in advance for your time in completing the survey 

Dr Janine Ashwell