JHTM 2020 Best PhD Paper Awards
March 29, 2021
Read the top award papers free online only for limited time!
The annual Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (JHTM) Best PhD Papers Awards are designed and aim to help early career researchers and/or Phd students to publish their research in a top ranked journal during the first steps of their career.
As the JHTM has now been elevated into a leading tourism and hospitality journal, it aims to recognise and give back to the research community specifically the early – mid career scholars that are facing special and enhanced stress and challenges at the begging of their career. The JHTM has now a SSCI impact factor of 3.415, an A rating in the ABDC list, and it is ranked 9th in the top 20 tourism journals and 4th in the top 20 hospitality journals.
The JHTM Best PhD Papers Awards include several financial and promotional benefits as well as professional development opportunities for the winners to recognise their outstanding research work, but also to reward them for selecting JHTM for their research submission.
In 2020, the JHTM has received 16 paper submissions for this award. Given this highly competitive context, the JHTM 2020 Best PhD papers awards represent a great achievement for the winners. The JHTM wishes to thank all the authors submitting their work to the JHTM and nominating them for these awards. 2020 has also been a very peculiar year disrupting everyone’s life. In these difficult times, we appreciate everyone’s efforts to contribute to JHTM irrespective of all the troubles and complexities that you had also to go through.
In this context, we believe that the 2020 JHTM Best PhD Paper Awards have also a special significance and meaning to the JHTM and the winners alike. The winners were officially announced during the annual CAUTHE2021 Conference Online. Subsequently, the winners get international promotion, while scholars have the opportunity to read their research for free for limited time.
And the winners of the JHTM 2020 Best PhD paper Awards are …..
Best PhD Paper Award
Cehan, A., Eva, M., & Iațu, C. (2021). A multilayer network approach to tourism collaboration. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 316-326.
Highly Commended Paper Award
Yung, R., Khoo-Lattimore, C., & Potter, L. E. (2021). VR the world: Experimenting with emotion and presence for tourism marketing. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 160-171.
Congratulations to all the award-winning authors !
Their international profile also reflects the internationalisation and openness of the JHTM.