CAUTHE 2019 PhD Scholar and Early Career Researcher Bursaries

Applications are open for 2019 PhD student and Early Career Researcher (ECR) bursaries to support travel to and attendance at the CAUTHE 2019 conference in Cairns, Australia. The bursaries include PhD/ECR workshop and conference registration fees, and up to $1000 for travel, accommodation and other expenses to facilitate access to the CAUTHE 2019 conference. Applicants are required to submit a full-refereed paper to the CAUTHE 2019 conference.

Eligibility criteria include:

  • Applicants must be enrolled or working at a CAUTHE Chapter member Institution (contact CAUTHE secretariat if you are unsure); and
  • Be an individual Associate or Student CAUTHE member at the time of the application and conference, or join as an individual member at the time of application.
  • PhD scholars must be enrolled as a full- or part-time PhD student
  • ECRs must have completed their PhD within five years of the conference
  • Submit a full-refereed paper to the CAUTHE 2019 conference, with the applicant as the primary author (with the only acceptable co-authors for PhD bursaries being the author’s registered supervisors).

The deadline for applications is 1 November 2018.


See Past winner testimonials

Contact the PhD/ECR bursary representative, Naomi Dale for further information about bursaries.