CAUTHE 2015 PhD and ECR workshop
September 18, 2014
PhD scholars and Early Career Researchers are invited to attend the annual Bill Faulkner Workshop held immediately prior to the CAUTHE Conference on Monday 2 February, 2015 at the main conference venue. The 2015 CAUTHE conference will be hosted by Southern Cross University’s School of Tourism and Hospitality Management (STHM) on the Gold Coast.
Theme: From research quality to research impact
Why does “research quality” matter? Why does “research impact” matter? How can we maximise these important aspects of research to facilitate your research career?
The workshop will focus on the importance of developing research quality and making a research impact in the context of developing your academic career. This interactive workshop will enable you to question and reflect on your research vision and directions for theoretical and methodological contributions of your research, while strengthening your research impact and career success.
The program will include group discussions and activities, mentoring sessions and networking opportunities with fellow students and senior academics. Keynote presentations and panel discussions will include:
- John Tribe: Professor of Tourism, Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Tourism Research, University of Surrey.
- Susanne Becken: Professor of Sustainable Tourism, Director Griffith Institute for Tourism (GIFT), Griffith University.
- Jason Thomas: Director, Destination and Corporate Partnerships, Gold Coast Tourism Corporation.
Download flyer.
For any general enquiries about the PhD and Early Career Researcher Workshop, please contact:
Associate Professor Sebastian Filep
Department of Tourism
University of Otago