2017 PhD and ECR workshop
October 7, 2016
The 2017 PhD & ECR workshop will be held on Tuesday 7 February at Otago University, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Theme: Creating a personal identity – be seen and be heard
The workshop will focus on creating a personal research identity, capturing impact and the contribution of these issues to grants and funding. The program will include an opening presentation, small group facilitated discussions, concurrent activities, mentoring sessions, a panel discussion and networking opportunities with fellow students and senior academics. The workshop will finish with an informal drinks and networking function.
Keynote presentations, facilitators and panel discussions will include:
- Professor Marianna Sigala, University of South Australia, co-editor of Journal of Service Theory & Practice
- Professor Graham Miller, University of Surrey, UK, professor of sustainability in business and co-editor of Journal of Sustainable Tourism
- Dr Kathryn Sutherland, Associate Dean, Victoria University of Wellington, NZ, co-editor International Journal for Academic Development and author of Success in Academia?
- Associate Professor Pierre Benckendorff, The University of Queensland, Australia
- NZ$55 if attending the CAUTHE 2017 conference
- NZ$110 if not attending the conference
For more information: