The Future: CAUTHE 2017 proposed track
June 3, 2016
We invite you to contribute to a track about the future of tourism and related fields at CAUTHE 2017, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, 7-10 February 2017
Knowing what will happen tomorrow has always fascinated human-kind, whether they be short term econometric forecasts about international arrivals to a country, scenarios about climate change or the emergence of the middle classes of South East Asia. Tourism futures is rich and diverse as a multi-disciplinary field in which we study dynamics, complexity and change. In the current era of autonomous vehicles, disestablishment of the political system, the sharing economy, the impact of visitor congestion at UNESCO places and scarcity of water because of climate change… is time for big ideas and re-thinking the field of tourism.
Please make sure you identify why the idea is big or significant.
Suggestions may include but not limited to:
- Latest developments in futurology and scenario planning, such as transitional scenarios
- Epistemology and methodology of futures research,
- The role of science fiction in the future of tourism
- Disruption and big events
- The future of resources i.e. climate change, water or oil
- Population studies and change
- Consumer trends and prediction
- Forces of change i.e. PESTEL
- Labour force studies
- Singularity and technological innovation
- Economic forecasts
- Horses of apocalypse and disasters
- Black swans and tipping points
- Tourism scenarios and its implications for businesses and destinations
- Translation of scenario’s into business practice, such as business models, leisure concepts, strategies
- Best practices in futures studies / scenario studies and their implementation
- Other topics relevant about the future that are deemed big or interesting.
Outputs from the track part of dedicated book or journal special issue yet to be determined.
Working paper submissions of no more than 1,500 words are due by 31 October 2016, while full research papers of no more than 5,000 words are due by 17 October 2016.
Further details about the conference and paper submissions can be found at the Conference Call for papers.
For further information contact:
Professor Albert Postma
European Tourism Futures Institute, the Netherlands
Email: [email protected]
Associate Professor Ian Yeoman
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand & European Tourism Futures Institute, the Netherlands
Email: [email protected]