Risk, Crisis and Recovery Management: CAUTHE 2019 SIG Meeting

All SIG members and other interested CAUTHE delegates are invited to attend the Risk, Crisis and Recovery Management SIG meeting during the CAUTHE 2019 conference in Cairns. Details and an agenda are below.

Date: 13 February 2019
Time: 5:00pm-6:15pm, followed by dinner discussion
Venue: Pullman International Cairns, Room TBA


5:00-5:15pm  Welcome and introductions (David Beirman/Brent Ritchie)

5:15-5:45pm    Presentation (David Simmons) Professor David Simmons will give a presentation on a recent report undertaken for New Zealand’s National Science Challenge – Resilience to nature’s Challenges on Resilience in Transient Communities.

5:45-6:00pm Tourism Risk Research Discussion (All) Group questions and answers based on presentation.

6:15-7:30pm  Dinner (All)

Discussions of the SIG will continue at the Marino Paradiso (Italian Restaurant). Dinner at own expense.

We look forward to seeing you there,

SIG coordinators

Prof. Brent W. Ritchie (UQ)
Dr David Beirman (UTS)