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February 1, 2012
The following Australian and New Zealand tourism organisations have an active interest in tourism research and education.
Australian Bureau of Statistics
Australia’s official statistical organisation
Australia’s official travel website.
CRC for Sustainable Tourism
Find out about an enormous range of research on sustainable tourism, including detailed reports and an online bookshop.
Department of Industry, Innovation, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education
A federal government department that develops, implements and administers the Federal Government’s tourism policy and programs.
Northern Territory Tourist Commission
The state tourism organisation for the Northern Territory.
Pacific Asia Travel Association
A not-for-profit travel trade association serving government tourist offices, airlines, hotels and other travel-related companies throughout the Pacific Asia region.
South Australian Tourism Commission
The state tourism organisation for South Australia.
Tourism Canberra
The tourism organisation for the Australian Australian Capital Territory.
Tourism New South Wales
The state tourism organisation for New South Wales.
Tourism New Zealand
Tourism New Zealand is the organisation responsible for marketing New Zealand to the world as a tourist destination, using the 100% Pure New Zealand marketing campaign.
Tourism Queensland
The state tourism organisation for Queensland.
Tourism Research Australia
Tourism Research Australia is a business unit of Tourism Australia providing superior research information that supports improved decision making, marketing and tourism industry performance for the Australian community.
Traveljargon.org is the industry’s first fully-interactive jargon buster developed for everyone in the travel business including industry newbie’s, students, corporates, procurement professionals, suppliers & intermediaries as well as the jargon junkies. The site is an A – Z of nearly 11,000 terms, acronyms, and expressions for business and leisure travel including, air, associations, business travel management, car hire, catering, conference and meetings, cruising, currency, event management, hotels, rail travel and tourism. New categories are constantly being added and recent additions also allow users to search for capital cities and flags of the world.