New Impact Factor – JHTM
June 29, 2022
One more great performance and milestone has been achieved by the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management (JHTM). The impact factor (Clarivate Analytics) increased to 7.629 (up from 5.959). This places JHTM a Q1 journal and in the 12th position (from #17) for journals in the category Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism and in the 45th position (from #60) in the category of Management, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).
As Editor-In-Chief, I offer heartfelt thanks and respect to all editorial board members: Aaron Tham Book review editor, Associate editors: Assoc Prof Emily Ma, Dr. Edmund Goh , S. Mostafa Rasoolimanesh, PhD, Xi Leung, Joan Su, all other editorial board members as well as our valuable authors, reviewers, and readers for supporting #JHTM.
JHTM continues its steady growth and increasing performance and this could not have been achieved without the support of everyone of you. I rely on the continuous support of the CAUTHE community to maintain and further exceed this great trajectory.
JHTM is the CAUTHE journal, JHTM is our journal! Thank you so much and a great thing to all celebrate.
Keep reading, reviewing, writing and citing!
Professor Marianna Sigala Editor-In-Chief, JHTM