JHTM 2021 Best Papers & Reviewers Awards
March 24, 2022
**Read the top award papers free online only for limited time!**
The Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management (JHTM) offers annual awards to recognise and motivate high quality achievement in published research as well as to appreciate the efforts of its reviewers, to provide constructive and quality feedback to authors and simultaneously, contribute to maintaining and boosting the quality of JHTM.
The JHTM has become a leading tourism and hospitality journal (SSCI impact factor of 5.959 and an A rating in the ABDC list). The JHTM wishes to thank everyone contributing to its success as well as to recognise exemplar and outstanding performance of authors and reviewers alike.
As the COVID-19 crisis and its severe implications to everyone persist, these awards have a greater meaning and importance to JHTM and all its contributors
The editorial team of JHTM is pleased to announce the winners of the Best Papers and Reviewer Awards for 2021. The winners were officially announced during the annual CAUTHE 2022 Conference Online. Subsequently, the winners receive international promotion, while scholars have the opportunity to read their research for free for limited time (free access is available until 18 April 2022).
Best Paper Awards
The three award-winning papers have already made a significant impact on the field of tourism and hospitality research. The editorial team of the JHTM has selected these papers based on: a quantitative analysis (including usage statistics and Scopus citation counts of the published papers); and a qualitative assessment of the papers’ contribution to the research field.
The winning article for the 2021 Best Paper Award is
- Yang, J., Yang, R., Chen, M. H., Su, C. H. J., Zhi, Y., & Xi, J. (2021). Effects of rural revitalization on rural tourism. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 47, 35-45.
The following two papers have been selected for the 2021 Highly Commended Award
- Yu, J., Lee, K., & Hyun, S. S. (2021). Understanding the influence of the perceived risk of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) on the post-traumatic stress disorder and revisit intention of hotel guests. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 327-335.
- Kim, K., Bonn, M. A., & Cho, M. (2021). Clean safety message framing as survival strategies for small independent restaurants during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 46, 423-431.
Top Reviewer Awards
The editorial team of JHTM is grateful to all individuals who have reviewed for the journal in 2021.
From those individuals, the JHTM editorial team has selected three reviewers to receive the JHTM 2021 Top Reviewer Award. This decision has been based both on the number and speed of the reviews, as well as the quality of the reviews provided by these individuals. As the number of submissions to JHTM have more than doubled in 2021, it is no surprising that we need and use more reviewers, and so, we need to recognise the efforts by many more individuals providing their valuable time to review for the JHTM.
The recipients of the 2021 Best Reviewer Award are
- Anna Farmaki, Cyprus University of Technology
- Jun Wen, Ph.D, Edith Cowan University, Australia
- Dr Ray Rastegar, The University of Queensland, Australia
Congratulations to all the award-winning authors and reviewers!
Their international profile also reflects the internationalisation and openness of the JHTM.
Sincere thanks to all the authors, reviewers, editorial board members, and JHTM community for your ongoing strong support.
Marianna Sigala
Editor-In-Chief, JHTM