JHTM 2017 Best Papers & Reviewers Awards – congratulations
February 13, 2018
The editorial team of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management are pleased to announce the winner and highly commended selections of the journal’s Best Paper Awards, in addition to the Top Reviewer Awards for 2017.
The winning article for the 2017 Best Paper Award is:
- Power in tourism stakeholder collaborations: Power types and power holders by Hiroaki Saito and Lisa Ruhanen (pictured right with Marianna Sigala, Editor-in-Chief)
The recipients of the 2017 Best Reviewer Award are:
- Joan Henderson (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
- Noel Scott (Griffith University, Australia) (pictured right with Marianna Sigala, Editor-in-Chief)
Please find full list of winners at JHTM 2017 Best Papers & Reviewers Awards.