Assessment Design Workshop 1
February 11, 2019
Date(s) - 11/02/2019
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Pullman Cairns International
Categories No Categories
A key outcome of the recent Calibration of Standards series, was that significant issues arise when colleagues attempt to retrofit existing assessment tasks into the Tourism, Hospitality and Events Learning and Teaching Academic Standards. Participants requested that the next workshop be a peer-review activity for which triads develop and present ‘fit for purpose’ assessment tasks:
- for each DOMAIN (Service and Experience Design, Interdisciplinary Inquiry, Collaboration, Problem Solving and Professional Responsibility); and
- in each of the three FIELDS of study (tourism, hospitality or events)
In preparation for the workshop, peers have formed triads and will develop a total of 15 assessment items. At the workshop each triad will present their work to the larger group which will develop principles around best practice assessments for DOMAINS and an ideal assessment for a FIELD.
Colleagues are welcome to attend the workshop as observers.
COST: CAUTHE will fund the first representative for each member institution. The second and subsequent representatives will be charged at $52.00 each to cover the cost of catering.
REGISTRATION INCLUDES: Morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea
RSVP: Please indicate your attendance and any dietary requirements by Thursday 31 January by email Penny Jose