CAUTHE PhD and ECR bursaries: deadline extended
April 17, 2013
CAUTHE invites PhD Scholars and Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to submit bursary applications for the 2014 CAUTHE conference in Brisbane, Australia.
Each bursary includes the Bill Faulkner PhD and ECR workshop and CAUTHE conference full registration fee plus $1000 toward travel and accommodation for the conference. The deadline for submission of applications is 1 October 2013. Successful applicants will be notified by 15 November. Awards will be announced at the conference with a formal certificate at the conference dinner.
Submitted papers must be accepted as a full refereed paper, with the applicant as the primary author, and the only acceptable co-authors being the author’s registered supervisors.
Eligibility criteria include:
- Applicants must be enrolled or working at a CAUTHE Chapter member University and be an Associate or Student CAUTHE member
- PhD scholars must be enrolled as a full-time PhD student
- ECRs must have completed their PhD within 5 years of the conference
Download eligibility criteria with application form.
For further information please contact Sebastian Filep.