CAUTHE 2019 Call for Papers – Deadline Extended to 15 November, 2018!!!

29th Annual Council of Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education 

CAUTHE 2019 Conference
Hosted by CQUniversity, Australia, Cairns, Australia
11-14 February 2019

The deadline for submission of full papers for the CAUTHE 2019 Conference to be held in tropical, Far North Queensland, Australia has been extended until 15 November.

CAUTHE PhD/ECR and special bursary applications are due on: ***1 November 2018*** 

Download CAUTHE PhD/ECR bursary application form

Download Special CAUTHE 2019 Conference bursary application form



CAUTHE’s 2019 theme ‘Sustainability of Tourism, Hospitality and Events in a Disruptive Digital Age’ explores how the industry can implement change sustainably in the digital era to ensure social, cultural, economic and natural environments continue to benefit. Full research papers and working research papers that engage the central theme or sub-themes are invited for submission. We welcome innovative contributions that focus on how tourism, hospitality and events are experienced and developed. Papers on teaching, curriculum and pedagogical research, as well as theoretical and empirical studies relating to tourism, hospitality and events are encouraged.

Keynote Speakers: (more to be announced!)

Ms Pip Close – CEO of Tourism Tropical North Queensland (TTNQ)
The first keynote presentation will seek to draw out thought and discussion around the theme of the conference – Sustainability of Tourism and Hospitality in an Age of Digital Disruption. This pivotal presentation will address the topic of “Destination sustainability in an age of digital disruption”, drawing on success stories from FNQ tourism and hospitality experiences and products, and highlighting future development goals for the region.

Professor Dimitrios Buhalis (Bournemouth University, United Kingdom)
The second keynote speaker is Professor Dimitrios Buhalis; Head of Department Tourism and Hospitality, Director of the eTourism Lab and Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, at Bournemouth University, UK. Professor Buhalis will focus on Smart Tourism, Augmented Reality, Experience management and Personalisation, Reputation and Social Media Strategies for tourism.

Professor Regina Scheyvens (Massey University, New Zealand)

The third keynote speaker is Professor Regina Scheyvens; Professor and Co-Director of the Pacific Research and Policy Centre, within the School of People, Environment and Planning, Massey University, NZ. Professor Scheyvens is the Programme Coordinator (Development Studies) and the Primary Investigator (along with Glenn Banks) on the project “Harnessing the power of business: the contested involvement of corporations in community development initiatives in the Pacific”. Professor Scheyvens’ presentation will examine “the relationship between tourism, sustainable development and poverty reduction” in a digital age.

Visit the CAUTHE2019 Conference website for further information.

See the call for papers to submit your paper for the conference.

Early Bird Registration is available for registering for the CAUTHE 2019 conference in Cairns, Australia.

PHD/Early Career Workshop

Location: Hotel Pullman Cairns International – 17 Abbott Street, Cairns, QLD 4870
Activities: PhD/ECR workshop, research methods round-tables and panel discussions
Workshop Start: 8:30 am (Australian Eastern Standard Time) Monday 11th February, 2019

The aim of the PhD and research higher degree students’ workshop will be to create a supportive network for research students to discuss relevant issues and seek feedback from experienced faculty from around the world. Research students will submit a 500 word paper on their research topic to the PhD workshop organising team for presentation and round-table discussions. The ECR workshop will focus on providing new faculty members and early career researchers with mentoring to develop their research, teaching and service agenda to allow them to achieve their academic goals.


Full Research Paper submissions due: ***15 November 2018***
Working Paper submissions due: 15 November 2018

Conference dates

PhD/ECR workshop 11 February 2019
CAUTHE2019 conference 12-14 February 2019


Dr Kylie Radel
CAUTHE2019 Conference Chair