CAUTHE 2018 Conference – Second Call for Papers
September 11, 2017
Get Smart: Paradoxes and Possibilities in Tourism, Hospitality and Events
We are delighted to announce the second call for papers for 28th Annual Council for Australasian Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference to be hosted by the University of Newcastle in the beautiful coastal city of Newcastle, New South Wales, from 5-8 February 2018.
The theme of the CAUTHE 2018 conference is Get Smart: Paradoxes and Possibilities in Tourism, Hospitality and Events. This theme encourages researchers to engage a critical lens on the creation and generation of knowledge in tourism, hospitality and events.
CAUTHE 2018 acknowledges that the process of building knowledge – and getting smart about tourism, hospitality and events – can generate a series of paradoxes, ironies and juxtapositions that challenge conventions and create alternative ways of knowing.
We call for innovative theoretical and empirical studies contributions focusing on how tourism, hospitality and events are experienced and developed. We also encourage papers on teaching, curriculum, and pedagogical research.
The CAUTHE 2018 Organising Committee now welcomes the submission of Full Research Papers and Working Papers via a number of sub-themes, that include:
- Digital technologies in tourism, hospitality and events
- Smart cities and smart destinations
- Destination image and branding
- Destination representation and place identity
- The rise and regulation of the sharing economy
- International travel trends and emerging tourist markets
- Indigenous tourism and travel for cultural learning
- Market segmentation for destination policy and planning
- Volunteering, global citizenship and cosmopolitanism
- Tourism, hospitality and events marketing and management
- Methodologies in tourism, hospitality and events research
- Knowledge systems in tourism, hospitality and events
- Tourism, hospitality and events teaching, learning and curricula
- Other topics relevant to the conference theme
Key Deadlines
- Full Papers: 20 October 2017
- Working Papers: 3 November 2017
More Information
Further details about the conference, the conference host and the conference destination are available on the CAUTHE 2018 website and on the conference Facebook page.
Please direct any enquiries to the Organising Committee by email to [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you in Newcastle for CAUTHE 2018!