2016 PhD & ECR conference bursaries
May 11, 2015
To support career development of our PhD scholars and emerging academics, the CAUTHE Executive invites applications for PhD candidate and Early Career Researcher (ECR) bursaries for the CAUTHE 2016 conference in Sydney, Australia. The bursaries aim to provide benefits to current members, lead to future memberships and encourage the submission of full refereed papers to the annual conference.
Eligibility criteria include:
- Applicants must be enrolled or working at a CAUTHE Chapter member institution and be a CAUTHE Associate or Student member
- PhD scholars must be enrolled as a full-time PhD student
- ECRs must have completed their PhD within 5 years of the conference
Eligibility criteria for the bursaries can be found on the CAUTHE website (scroll to bottom of page).
The bursaries will include conference registration and PhD/ ECR workshop fees and up to $1000 for travel, accommodation and other expenses that will facilitate access to the conference. Bursary winners will receive an official certificate at the conference dinner awards’ ceremony. The awards will be made on the merit of the paper, to be decided by a committee of the CAUTHE Executive in conjunction with Conference Scientific Committee and with reference to the supervisor, Chapter Director or Head of Department’s comments and rankings (where appropriate).
Bursary application due date is 2 October 2015. Applicants will be notified no later than 9 November 2015 on the outcome of their application.
For further details about the bursary awards and the application processes please contact:
Dr Sebastian Filep, University of Otago: [email protected]