3rd Business Doctoral and Emerging Scholars Conference 2018
September 19, 2018
School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia
29-30 November 2018.
The conference provides an opportunity for participating doctoral students and early career researchers (ECR) to discuss and share their research ideas and approaches with other doctoral students, researchers and leading academics within the broad field of business. The program includes impressive keynote speakers who have extensive experience publishing in high level journals and are leading experts in their research fields. Also featured are two workshops where participants will be introduced to WarpPLS application, as well as a Meet the Editor session.
The conference is accepting submissions from doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process, and ECR who completed their study in the last five years. We welcome submissions from the field of Business relating to Hospitality and Tourism. Selected papers will be invited to submit to Asia-Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Deadline for submissions 5 October 2018.
More information
Please download flyer for more details.