2018 Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management (JHTM) Research Symposium

Venue: Bradley Forum, City West Campus, University of South Australia, Adelaide, South Australia
Date: 3 May 2018
Time: 9:00am – 17:00pm

REGISTER (registrations close on 25 April)

Purpose and theme

The Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management (JHTM) invites you to participate in its 2018 Research Symposium to be held on 3 May 2018 at the University of South Australia, Adelaide.

The aim of the workshop is to facilitate the development of a special issue for the JHTM on the theme of Customer Experience. Paper presentations do not have to fit the theme, and participants are not obliged to submit their research work to, the special issue. Submissions can relate to any research topic in tourism, hospitality and events. Participants are welcome and will benefit from interactions and networking with other peers and the JHTM editorial team.

Participants will have the opportunity to make a short presentation (5-10 minutes) about a research idea or a working paper / study that they are working on, so that they can receive feedback and suggestions on how to improve it and convert it to a journal paper. The JHTM editor, the guest editors of the JHTM special issue as well as other members of the editorial board of the JHTM will also be available to provide feedback and advice to participants.


To facilitate research collaborations and help participants to publish a paper to the JHTM special issue, the program includes a series of interactive and participatory sessions designed around the theme of the JHTM special issues.

3 May 2018: a full-day (9:00 – 17:00) featuring

  • Two keynote speakers on customer engagement and experiences in tourism
  • A discussion panel on Customer Engagement. Confirmed panel members:
    • Prof Rod Brodie (University of Auckland)
    • Assoc Prof Jodie Conduit (University of Adelaide)
    • Assoc Prof Ingo Karpen (RMIT)
    • Dr Tom Chen (University of Newcastle)
    • Prof Marianna Sigala (University of South Australia)
  • A discussion panel on New Research Methodologies for studying tourism experiences. Confirmed panel members:
    • Prof Mark Rosenbaum (University of South Carolina)
    • Prof Philip Pearce (James Cook University)
    • Prof Noel Scott (Griffith University)
    • Assoc Prof Jeni Paay (Swinburne University of Technology)
  • Afternoon parallel break-out sessions allowing participants to present and discuss their research with peers and the JHTM editorial team

4 May 2018: half-day workshop on Design Thinking in Tourism Research (sponsored and in collaboration with the University of Adelaide)

Workshop Venue: Nexus 10 Building, University of Adelaide
Time: 9:00am – 12:30pm

Workshop Facilitator: Assoc Prof Ingo Karpen (RMIT University)

Scope of the workshop: Design Thinking has recently stimulated significant research and business interest. For example, articles in Harvard Business Review and newly created Chief Design Officer positions around the globe both reflect and push the prominence of this way of doing business. However, the broader and more strategic concept of Design Thinking is still in its early stages in tourism research. The purpose of this workshop is to clarify the nature and role of Design Thinking in tourism contexts. This includes a consideration of design principles, processes, and practices, and implications for tourism research through interactive sessions.

Submission guidelines

The 2018 JHTM Research Symposium invites submissions in the following formats:

  1. Papers: Interested authors should submit an extended structured abstract about their research not exceeding 1500 words. The structured abstract should outline the research study according to the following topics: research aims; research methodology/design; major findings; research contribution; practical implications.
  2. Works in progress: Interested authors should submit an abstract, not exceeding 500 words, about their work-in-progress. The abstract should introduce the study phenomenon, its theoretical foundations, the suggested methodology as well as the expected findings and implications.

Submissions do not have to relate to topic of the JHTM special issue. However, authors of symposium papers that fit the scope of the special issue are welcome to submit an enhanced version of their manuscript to the JHTM special issue.

Participants should submit your work via Easychair.

Submission Deadline: Extended to 30 March 2018

Publication Opportunity – Special issue for the JHTM

Participants of the 2018 JHTM Research symposium will have the opportunity to submit an enhanced version of their symposium submission to a special issue for the JHTM.

Topic of the special issue: Beyond Hospitality and Tourism Experiences

Guest Editors of the special issue: Dr Ying Wang, Dr Xin Jin, and Professor Noel Scott (Griffith University)

Aims and scope of the special issue: Customers seek experiences rather than just to purchase a product or service, and the study of tourist and hospitality experiences is a popular topic for researchers. Study of experiences requires consideration of emotion, meaning and customer cognition and behaviour not adequately discussed in “rational” decision making theories.  However, the existing literature is often restricted to hedonic rather than eudaemonic experience, is not often theoretically embedded and explanatory, and does not adequately address the events, sports, leisure, and related  contexts.


The 2018 JHTM Research Symposium is sponsored by CAUTHE and supported by the Centre of Tourism & Leisure Management (CTLM), School of Management, University of South Australia.

The workshop on Design thinking on 4 May 2018 is sponsored and hosted by the University of Adelaide.

The CTLM (UniSA) and CAUTHE have collaborated with the University of Adelaide and participants of the 2018 JHTM Research Symposium are entitled to a reduced registration fee for attending the workshop on the 4 May 2018.

Registration fees for the 2018 JHTM Research Symposium (including breakfast, coffee/tea, and lunch) are set as follows:

  • Registration Fee for CAUTHE Members: 70 AUD
  • Registration Fee for non-CAUTHE Members: 95 AUD

Registration fee for the workshop on Design Thinking in Tourism Research (including coffee/tea and lunch) is set as follows:

  • Registration Fee for Participants of the 2018 JHTM Research Symposium: 40 AUD

Information about the registration process will be distributed in February 2018.

For more information about the workshop, please contact Prof Marianna Sigala Chair of the 2018 JHTM Research Symposium