TH&E education study released

For anyone interested in the state of tourism, hospitality and events education, in Australia we have just completed a national project “Building a stronger future: balancing professional and liberal education ideals in undergraduate tourism and hospitality education”. The project was funded by the Australian Government’s Office of Teaching and Learning (OLT) and strongly supported by CAUTHE.

The feedback we received from the OLT included: “Congratulations on this landmark project, which makes an unmatched contribution to this ‘discipline’ area.  I have enjoyed reading the final report, the excellent evaluation report and the issues papers very much.  The documents give a clear and unblinking account of your ‘discipline’ and of the project’s exemplary operation.   I really liked the way you engaged such a huge group of institutions through the use of project champions.”

While this is an Australian-focused project, it is relevant to anyone interested in understanding more about the global context of tourism and hospitality education. The final project report, four issues papers and other information can be accessed via the project website.

The project team hopes you find it useful!

Dianne Dredge

Associate Professor Planning and Policy
School of Tourism & Hospitality Management
Southern Cross University